Local Rio Rancho Teams working to
CleanUpNM...one street at at time
Cleanup effort, supplies, & website
provided by ProWebBusiness.com
Rio Rancho based CleanupNM has a goal to clean up rubbish, trash, junk, weeds, and debris from our Rio Rancho main streets. Workers come from all walks of life, from homeless to retired businessmen.
Key: Adopt your street, neighborhood, or area and PLAN to go out together and CleanupNM!

Cleanup NM • ORIGINS
Last September to October 2017 a few citizens of Rio Rancho noticed rubbish and trash on our streets and in our meridians—which stayed for weeks with no apparent city initiated cleanup. So these few connected via NextDoor to form a cleanup crew to cleanup our streets, especially 528. These folks have been out several times to cleanup as simply good citizens. The need was elevated to the City of Rio Rancho and Enchanted Hills Drive was “Adopted” by ProWebBusiness.com. Since then several crews have gone out to cleanup...and sometimes just one citizen heads out to cleanup!
The rubbish problem was seen all over Rio Rancho and also in Albuquerque, CleanupNM.org was born out of the desire for common citizens to step outside their comfort zone and cleanup their neighborhood and streets—and extend the cleanup to the main streets in our town. The concept is for individuals or teams to go through Rio Rancho on non-peak traffic times to pickup rubbish, trash, junk, weeds, and debris. For now, you may only see a single citizen with a yellow caution vest out picking up trash. The best practice will be for Teams of 2 to 5 working together to cleanup a specific neighborhood or stretch of road.
CleanupNM.org's neighborhood cleanup program is hosted by the ProWebBusiness.com of Rio Rancho. We are encouraging LOCAL PARTNERS to come on board to provide guidance, ideas, and support.
Contact us if you have ideas or wish to form a CleanUpNM.com Team. Vests, gloves, and trash sacks will be provided.
If you wish to start at CleanUpNM.org Team of 1 to 5 people or you have an idea or resources, please contact us using the Quick Contact form below.
Please...always keep SAFETY FIRST...use our bright yellow vests supplied by the City of Rio Rancho; go out when traffic is very light and be vigilant (never a traffic hazard.) Contact us if you have not received your yellow reflective vest (you may wear one of your own.)
Thanks for your help everyone!
Recommended is a CleanupNM.org Team(s) with a truck or flatbed to help others keep their streets clean. Proposed (first) is for (residents in designated areas) would contact CleanUpNM and request a pickup of rubbish or notify them of a need. People would contact our team through the website and request a pickup of trash, rubbish, etc. These items would not be left at the curb outside but meet the cleanup team at their location--coordinated through NextDoor.com's private messaging service.
Proposed items eligible for removal (pending approval) include:
Trash, rubbish, etc.
Leaves...bagged & tied off (limit 2 bags)
Small household appliances and junk
Bicycles and toys
Tires (limit 4 per pickup)
Items NOT eligible for removal include:
Building materials (to include but not limited to concrete, bricks, blocks, roofing, siding, and drywall)
Explosives or ammunition
Auto parts
Dirt or sod
Vehicles or vessels
55-gallon drums of fluids
Old furniture and mattresses
Barbecue grills
Household hazardous waste (old paint, motor oil, chemicals, batteries)